These Baby Goats in Pajamas May Be the Cutest Thing We've Ever Seen

Thanks to the internet, we now have a video of a baby goat pajama party.

You heard me.

Baby. Goat. Pajama. Bonanza.

Check it out:

goat kids pajamas

Oh, hey.goat kids pajamas

Don't mind us.

goat kids pajamas

Just here...

goat kids pajamas

Being cute...

goat kids pajamas

On our own time.

goat kids pajamas


goat kids pajamas

Just try to look away.

And in case you didn't catch that, a cat makes a guest appearance towards the end. A full-grown, friendly feline. And they almost kiss.

Enough teasing. Here's the video.

Kudos to  for inviting us all to a baby goat pajama party.