This Mother Is All of Us. Thank You

Every mother, whether she's a stay-at-home mom or works 90 hours a week, or has one kid or five, experiences a twinge of "mom guilt" sometimes.

Last week, writer Melissa Radke was experiencing one such moment. So as her two kids—Remi, 10 and Rocco, 8—slept in her bed, she recorded a video about it and posted iy to her .

Because her kids were asleep, she couldn't talk. So she used handwritten signs to get her point across.

"Mom guilt, you win again," she mimes.

In the video, Radke confesses the many reasons she feels "mom guilty". Some very relatable highlights include:

"My family went 3 days with no toilet paper."

"I've been out of laundry detergent for 2 weeks and I give zero craps."

Even people without kids have felt that kind of guilt.

"My son's lunch kit today consisted of 2 bags of Cool Ranch Doritos, a boiled egg and a pickle," she writes, adding, "And a Coke."

Though Radke is hard on herself in the video, albeit jokingly, she tells Today that most of the time she tries to focus less on guilt and more on just trying to be a good parent.

"Who cares what they’re wearing? Who cares if they get first place? I’m teaching the important things. That’s what I tell my young mom friends, to let everything else fall away, but rock it—kill it—at the things that matter."

She may not be perfect, but she's doing a pretty good job teaching her kids the things that matter.

And the reaction to her video has been overwhelmingly positive. With almost 7,000 likes and over 1,700 shares, parents on Facebook have really connected with Radke's video.

Of course, there is always going to be a naysayer.

In the video, Radke shares her worry, "Because I've missed my daughter's last two dentist appointmentbut I've missed zero of my hair appointments."

"One lady said the fact that I forgot my daughter's dentist appointments was close to neglect," Radke tells Today.

"I'm thinking, 'Sister, she's 10 with braces, the last thing my child is is neglected—trust me.'"

And she says that kind of judgment doesn't bother her in the slightest.

"The world is cruel enough, and if I can make people laugh, then my job is done. If I can make them think about mom guilt in a funny way, I'm happy."
