Great Move: Sephora Will Offer Free Makeup Classes to Chemo Patients

The free Sephora chemo makeup classes are one of the best ideas we've heard in a while. Because side effects of chemotherapy such as hair loss can not only take a toll physically but emotionally as well.

That's why the beauty giant is adding an important class to its 'Classes for Confidence' series, called 'Brave Beauty in the Face of Cancer.'

The series creates free classes for people going through major life transitions and begins Sunday, April 9 in select stores around the U.S.

'Brave Beauty in the Face of Cancer' will involve skin care tips, step-by-step instructions for upping radiance, creating natural-looking brows, and tricks for defining the eyes.

In a video released by Sephora, participant Amy says, "By having some confidence with things I can do with makeup, it'll help me get out and be with people I need to be with."

According to Corrie Conrad, senior director of social impact and sustainability for Sephora, says the goal of the class is to "to create a safe place for participants to learn and play with beauty, ask questions, and connect with others going through a similar situation."

H/t: Glamour