A Few Tips on How Not to Be a Broke Single Mom

In this episode of So Money, host Farnoosh Torabi interviews Emma Johnson. Johnson is the founder of the Wealthy Single Mommy, a website dedicated to working single moms. On her site, in her podcast Like A Mother with Emma Johnson, and in her video series How Not To Be a Broke Single Mom, Johnson shares advice and discusses topics like work, money, parenting and dating.

Johnson started her career as a newspaper journalist before seguing into a career as a business and personal finance writer. Seven years ago she became a mother. When her daughter was one year old, her husband was in an accident and suffered a brain injury. Johnson was force to change her entire life. She scaled her business way back and became a part time worker/stay-at-home mom while her husband worked a corporate job and made most of the money and brought in the benefits.  While pregnant with her second child, Johnson started thinking about her future. Her marriage was falling apart, her husband's job wasn’t sustainable long-term, she had a child and another on the way and she wasn’t happy.

“I had a baby, I was dealing with my husband with a brain injury and I got my act together and I just started making way more money than I ever had before because I had no choice," she says. "No one else is going to be bringing in this money because that was it. I was the only income potential in the family.”

forced to change her life

When her marriage ultimately failed, Johnson looked at the silver lining. “Okay... my plan A to have the successful traditional marriage wasn’t working, but the plan B was, I was going to be a financially autonomous single mom, which I did not grow up with.” She looked around at all the other single moms out there and decided to create a resource for them to be financially empowered.

Johnson speaks more on the start of her site, but the second half of the podcast really gets into her philosophy, especially on the topic of outsourcing for single mothers. Johnson is a big proponent of outsourcing things like housework and childcare. She thinks it’s important for a single working mom to have help. She say we need to embrace that housekeeping and childcare need to be part of the business model of any business run by a working mother. She says working moms need to say “No, our business is business and house is house.”

Bonus info: You can read more from Emma Johnson on her blog Wealthy Single Mommy.