Please Enjoy 7 of the Weirdest Movie Merchandise Products We've Ever Seen

Twinings Tea just released a new line of Beauty and the Beast movie tie-in teas.

Yes, you're right, that is odd.

But get it? Tea. Mrs. Potts, Chip, etcIt works, I guess.

But that's not always the case.

The following are 11 of the strangest movie merchandising tie-ins of all time.

1. The Casino Royale popsicle

Yep, that's a James Bond popsicle. In 2009 Del Monte put out a limited edition popsicle in the shape of Daniel Craig's Bond. And yes, it was called "License to Chill". I know.

2. The Addams Family cereal

Around the 1991 release of The Addams Family someone thought, "You know what would sell breakfast cereal? A family obsessed with the macabre." Sure.

3. The 50 Shades of Grey teddy bear

Because when you think "BDSM relationship", you think "teddy bear", right? Vermont Teddy Bear released a 50 Shades of Grey bear in 2015. Mask and tiny handcuffs included.

4. Sherlock Holmes at 7-Eleven

For the 2008 film Sherlock Holmes staring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, 7-Eleven had ties in on everything from coffee to taquitos. What a very logical brand fit.

5. The Avengers cologne

Image via Amazon

Why watch a superhero movie when you cansmell like one?

6. The Twilight engagement ring

In 2009, Infinite Jewelry sold a replica of Bella's engagement ring for $1,979.

Which is nothing, considering the real one sold for $16,000. Except that asking for an engagement ring based on a vampire teen movie is pretty much proof you're not ready to get married.

7. The Star Trek V: The Final Frontier marshmallow dispenser

The 1989 film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier contained one reference to marshmallows. Therefore, a branded marshmallow dispenser was the logical choice for merchandising.

I can't wait to see what they come up with for Get Out.