Hillary Clinton Gives Her First Interview Since the Presidential Election

While Hillary Clinton took some much-deserved time off after the presidential election, she's not staying hidden forever.

At this week's Women in the World Summit, the former Secretary of State sat down with Nicholas Kristof to speak about the election for the first time since November. Clinton did not shy away from sharing her feelings in the hour-long segment.

When asked about the current administration, she said:

"The things that come out of some of these men’s mouths—like why do we have to cover maternity care? Oh, I don’t know...Maybe you were dropped by immaculate conception?"

Clinton assures us she's been doing okay since the election (although she did share that "as an American, I’m pretty worried."). But she did not shy away from sharing her feelings in the hour-long segment.

For example, on the Russian hacking scandal surrounding the election, she had this to share:

"This is not just an attack on me and my campaign, although that may have added fuel to it. This is an attack against our country. We are well beyond normal political concerns here. This is about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our nation."

We're glad that she's back, and clearly not done fighting or speaking out for what she believes.

Watch the full interview here: