The "Lion King Cam" Is Replacing the Kiss Cam and It's Glorious

The 2016 NBA season has officially begun! And this week the Phoenix Suns earned some extra points by swapping out the stadium staple "kiss cam" for a "Lion King Cam".

Don't get me wrong, I love a kiss cam as much as the next guy. The next guy being President Barack Obama, of course.

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

Watching people awkwardly kiss on a big screen in front of thousands of cheering sports fan is one of my favorite silly sports arena traditions. It's up there with the wave, and eating so much I feel sick for the next three days.

But I'm all about the Lion King Cam now.

At Sunday's Phoenix Suns versus the Golden State Warrior's game, the Suns added the Lion King Cam to their arsenal of crowding pumping techniques.

According to SB Nation, the Suns are not the first team to show fans on the jumbotron lifting their babies up in the air while "The Circle of Life" plays ala Rafiki holding up Simba in The Lion King,Ā and I certainly hope they won't be the last.

And I'm not the only one.

Fans are calling for it to replaceĀ more than just the kiss cam:

And while some sports fans are worried:

Most are ready to blinking step into the sun that is the Lion King Cam.

All sports teams please start doing this now.